What is Collagen Induction Therapy?
Collagen Induction Therapy is becoming an increasingly popular skin-improvement weapon, and with good reason! Using the newest technology, our eDermastamp, this treatment creates the most change out of any option available from your skin therapist’s fingertips, so it’s one to really get excited about.
By delivering controlled trauma to the skin, a marked improvement can be seen in conditions such as scarring, pigmentation and wrinkles.
While Collagen Induction Therapy may sound daunting, the hundreds of tiny microneedles from the Dermal Pen make tiny pricks when passed over the skin, causing minimal discomfort. In fact, this technology may even be used on the eye area. This process ‘tricks’ the skin into thinking that trauma has occurred, which triggers a wound response in the deeper layers of the skin. As a response to this, skin cells to actually create new collagen and elastin along with growth factors. What this means for you is plumper skin, increased firmness, lessened scarring and a decrease in the appearance of pigmentation as damaged skin is replaced by new, healthier skin.
Benefits of Collagen Induction Therapy:
Promote skin rejuvenation
Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Reduce the appearance of facial and body scars
Address unwanted stretch marks
Volumise complexions
Boost skin elasticity
Improve skin texture and tone
Why eDermastamp?
At Skintopia, we pride ourselves on using the most advanced and safest technology for our clients. The eDermastamp uses industry leading German engineered micro-needling technology for the best in client comfort, safety and enhanced treatment results. Surgical-grade micro-needles create tiny wounds that accelerate the body’s natural healing process and work to repair the skin through increased production of collagen and elastin. Thanks to the optimal needle count, needle design and speed of treatment many clients find treatments with eDermaStamp involve minimal discomfort and are more comfortable than treatments with standard micro-needling devices.
Innovative Micro-Needles
Poor quality devices are designed with knife-shaped needles that can slice through tissue and risk causing traumatic skin. These needles also require increased applied pressure to penetrate the skin, resulting in a more painful treatment.
The medical-grade micro-needles of eDermaStamp are non-traumatic, cone-shaped needles that displace the skin during the puncture process, creating a micro-wound that seals within minutes of treatment. These precision-manufactured needles reduce the occurrence of undesirable micro-needling side effects such as bruising, swelling and significant downtime.
As Skintopia is all about customisation, specific active serums will be chosen by your skin therapist to be used during your Collagen Induction Therapy treatment, depending on what area of results you’d like to focus on. The eDermastamp creates temporary micro-channels whereby these advanced actives can travel down to the areas of the skin where they can create substantial change in skin behaviour.
Expect minimal to no downtime and a continual improvement in the health and appearance of your skin as damaged skin is replaced with new tissue which has been enhanced by an increased production of your own collagen and elastin.
You don't have to take our word for it however - Have a look at these incredible before and afters using the eDermastamp technology -Before ➸ After ➸

Book a consultation with your Skintopia Skin Therapist to find out if Collagen Induction Therapy is right for you! ➸